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Children's Scholarship

Children who have lost a parent or had a parent seriously injured in an air medical or critical care ground transport accident are eligible for financial assistance through the MedEvac Foundation International’s Children’s Scholarship Fund.


The Foundation will award one scholarship of $5,000 to a deserving student entering or enrolled in college, university or vocational-technical school.

Applicants will be evaluated according to academic achievement, financial need and community service. To be eligible applicants must:

  • Be enrolled or accepted into an accredited college, university or vocational-technical school.
  • Be a dependent of a medical transport crewmember that lost their life due to an air medical or critical care transport accident. This includes parents, step-parents, legal guardians, or grandparents who had a significant role in raising the applicant.

The 2022 Children’s Scholarship application process is now closed.

Stay tuned for the 2023/2024 Call for Applications.