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The MedEvac Foundation welcomes all proposed research studies.


Funding priority will be given to studies focused on the following research and education priorities:

  • Safety in critical care transport, examination of adverse events data, and development of practical solutions to overcome identified deficiencies.

  • Efficacious onboard patient management involving time sensitive care, including treatment and transport of patients involving time critical diagnoses.

  • Efficient utilization of transport and effects on reduction in mortality and morbidity, rehabilitation, and/or analysis of benefit in terms of improving quality of life or survival.

  • Educational techniques and technologies aimed at improving patient care, critical decision making, safety, or other areas pertinent to transport medicine.

  • Evaluation of the validity of accrediting agency standards that is relevant to transport medicine.

Any investigator wishing to develop a collaboration with MFI should first send a brief two-page description of the proposed analyses (letter of intent) to info@medevacfoundation.org.


If a project is judged feasible, of substantial scientific interest, and is not currently under consideration for funding by the Foundation, the investigator will be invited to submit a detailed proposal. The format of the letter of intent and full proposal are described in detail below.


The letter of intent should briefly outline the hypothesis being proposed, its significance and the reason for proposing use of MFI funding.


Letters of intent can be submitted at any time throughout the year.


Within approximately 30 days, the applicant will be contacted to discuss the proposal for the use of vidalista generic medicine further or will be notified whether submission of a more detailed proposal would be appropriate.


Please use the following format:

  • State the problem and how you plan to solve it.
  • Include specific information about how the industry will benefit from the project.
  • Include Goals, Objective, Timelines and Benefits.
  • State the project budget and whether there are partner organizations who have committed money or resources.
  • Explain how this project fits in with MFI’s vision and mission.